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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 10, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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pete: came back early. rachel: all right, it is the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, an illegal immigrant is arrested for kidnapping in a possible
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human trafficking case. the charges he's facing after being found with a 15-year-old. will: plus, the fdny is now investigating staffers who participated in this rowdy welcome for new york's a.g. leticia is james. [background sounds] >> i want to thank commissioner kavanaugh and chief hodgens for that recognition. in the. pete: and no twerking, drinking or smoking allowed, but there's plenty of room for worship. how this christian nightclub is bringing faith to the dance floor. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ if you make my dreams come true. ♪ well, well, well, you, you make my dreams come true ♪
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rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 7:00 eastern time. i got the time right, right? if. will: uh-huh. [laughter] daylight saving time. rachel: daylight saving time. pete: it should be 6:00 but it's 7. will: a lot of people probable just waking up thinking it's 6. i know you're not confused, but your body is telling you, you know -- pete: exactly right. i didn't even -- i didn't realize it one bit. will: really? pete: i guess i went to bed knowing -- no. your clock just changes in the middle of the night, you lose an hour of sleep. what's an hour of veep for a morning -- sleep for a morning show host? will: well, that's true. we're already in a deficit. pete: up one, down two. rachel: you had a jam-packed day too, night -- pete: yeah. the wife and i went to hamilton. rachel: hamilton, dinner and a
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comedy club, and you lost an hour of sleep -- will: what'd you think of tam illton? pete: excellent. rachel: he love ared it. pete: i thought it was great. you want to look up everything about alexander e hamilton and everything else. i thought it was reallying or really good. will: i liked it. i'm not a big musical guy. i'm just not. i don't know that i need to apologize for it. but, like like, every time somebody breaks out in song, i'm, like, couldn't this have been done in dialogue? i get it -- [laughter] i'm one of those dudes that when they break out in song, it's a down beat for me. i'm like, oh. in the movies, they start singing, oh, it's one of these movies. pete: but they rap at each other in hamilton. will: yeah. honestly, rapping is more fun than if they started -- [laughter] i just, i'm not into it. i would have liked to have seen frost-nix if son, that was a play. i've never been to a play in new york. i would go to a play.
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pete: you know what he is? he's not very cultured. he's lived in new york for 10, 15 years, never been to a play. will: have you been to the play? not a music ifal, a play. pete: at schools. will: i've been to those. i've been to community theater. pete: do they do plays anymore? will: yeah. rachel: they sure do. pete: are they on broadway? if there are place on broadway, not just shows? if okay. rachel: yeah. [laughter] pete: we are really uncultured. [laughter] okay? the fact is, it's both of us. will: no singing, says will. all right. we're going to move on to this, some a really terrible news. this story came out, and it really caught my attention. so there was a mexican illegal immigrant, he's in jail this morning after he was accused of kidnapping a 15-year-old girl. a lot to this story. pete: police are now investigating the situation as possible human trafficking case. will: madeleine rivera is live
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with the latest this morning. >> reporter: good morning. this investigation began after law enforcement in butler county, ohio, got a tip that a 43-year-old was allegedly a assaulting a 15-year-old girl. police found garcia with cruz and the girl more than 400 miles away in forest, virginia. they say garcia cruz, a mexican national, and the 15-year-old girl are undocumented. garcia cruz has been charged with abduction and other sex crimes involving a minor. >> and he's to going to be, he's going to taste our prison system, and he's not going to like it. he won't go -- he don't have to worry about being deported because by the time he gets deported, he'll be an old man. >> reporter: last month authorities in virginia charged a venezuelan man in connection with a sexual assault on a minor. the man came into the u.s. illegally as well. this comes as bipartisan pressure grows to address the growing number of illegal crossings at the southern border. a federal court temporarily
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blocked the biden administration from diverting $1.4 billion away from building the wall at the border. the money had been appropriated by congress under former president trump. this stems from a lawsuit that missouri and texas filed after president biden issued an executive order shortly after taking office demanding construction stop and directing the department of homeland security to redirect the funds. the biden administration favors what they call a smarter and more comprehensive approach including state of the art border surveillance technology and modernized ports of entry. will, pete and rachel. rachel: thank you, maaed madeleine. -- madeleine. this case that she was talking about, the first one of this illegal immigrant who was caught, you know, sexually trafficking and actually sexually assaulting this 15-year-old, the 15-year-old came across unaccompanied by herself across the border, and then she was given a sponsor. she was assign ised, the article said assigned a sponsor by our
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government. that that sponsor was a woman who happens on the the girlfriend of the man who assaulted the 15-year-old with. but she is also illegal. so were assigning illegals who are not related to this, to the unaccompanied children, and then, you know, or i have so many questions around this. are we paying people to be sponsors? how are we selecting sponsors? why are we selecting and assigning sponsors who aren't even citizens or related to the children? and of course this is going to end up in sex trafficking. and, you know, i know i pound if a lot of drums on this show about things and one of them is complicit that our government is complicit9 in successes trafficking with the cartels. this is a perfect example. our government put that girl in the hands of these people who were not related to her and, and our democrat members of congress voted to not do -- they fought against laws to require dns testing to see if the adults --
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dna testing to see if the adults were related -- will: there's no doubt the system ab set up to exploit children. you can see it in new york city. you can literally see it in new york city. rachel: yeah. will: these children are being used as props, and the odds are these children are often the offspring of these illegal immigrants are not that high. many of them are. but even the man who killed laken riley had had pretty much if -- i think it was a sham marriage with a sham child to help the asylum process as he came through the country ill ooh healey. so this whole thing about, like, we're going to help smooth the process, control the flow, it's just so separate from actually shutting down the border. here's ed win peters, a former immigration judge, who talked about the process that's being put into place. >> i'll be honest with you, another 100, 200 judges would not help because if you look at the numbers, the previous numbers and the current new numbers, they keep climbing. it went from approximately 1
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million cases of backlog, now it's the up to 3 million. and that's not even those that's coming in that haven't even filed asylum claims yet, haven't filed asylum claims which that's going to even increase numbers. it has -- just hiring an additional immigration judge, an additional step, it's not going to help. there has to be some type of stoppage. it has to be some type of stoppage at the border, a moratorium on asylum claims until we catch up with these astronomical numbers, ma'am. pete: yeah. only thing you hear from this administration is the facilitation or smoothing out the flow, and this guy's had that job. this is the only way it stops, if you stop it. great idea. moratorium on asylum claims. if you haven't made asylum lumbar by now, you've had three years, we're pausing it. it's done. rachel: but you have to stop them from keep coming -- the flow is so, so much. pete: but if you stop the asylum
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claims, you just turn them around. okay, you're claiming asylum? doesn't count. go back, go back, go back. that's not hard. rachel: the one thing i noted when i was there, everyone had a very similar story, and they know what they need to say to make this sort of, you know, i fear more my life -- for my life claim which is what you need to get this kind of permission the stay. and then this court date which is years out. so, yeah, it's very troubling. pete: another topic this morning, if you -- you probably saw that on social media. letitia james has been going after donald trump, and she's the attorney general of new york city. she said, hey, i'm going to get trump, and she had him in the courtroom, and this has been her claim to fame. well, she went to a promotion ceremony for the fdny, so the tour fighters in new york city. -- firefighters in new york city. she was invited to speak p. as you can imagine, a lot of members of the fire department here in new york, not big fans of letitia james and the way
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she's been politicizing the justice department, her pursuit of so-called justice. here's a quick clip if you missed it on thursday of the new york attorney general getting booed by the firefighters. watch. [background sounds] >> oh, come on, we're in a house of god. [laughter] [background sounds] first, simmer down. i want to thank commissioner kavanaugh -- >> trump, trump, trump! >> -- and chief hodgens for that recognition. rachel: you could hear in the background trump, trump, trump, trump. [laughter] will: yeah. so in response, what's happened now to that moment the fdny wants to find out the firefighters that were chanting and interrupting letitia james. this is a letter from the chief of department john hodges. this was obtained by "the new york post." bureau e of investigation and trials is investigating this so
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they will figure out who the members are. i recommend they come forward. i've been told by the commission it'll be better for them if they come forward and we don't have to hunt them down. i realize members might not come forward, but they should know there's clear video of the entire incident, and they will be contacted by the bureau of investigation and trials if they don't. pete: heir going to hunt them down because they chanted trump? doesn't surprise me. here's another example of bending the knee, okay? the fdny knows a lot of its members are fans of trump, they're a fans of law enforcement, things like that, obviously. and they don't like the political leadership in the city, but they serve under them. they have a right to have a political opinion. maybe they aren't supposed to express it in uniform. that's probably part of -- that's certainly what the fdny is going to say. but they're going to hunt them down? at the end of that letter, also it said they're going to reeducate them. rachel: yeah. that was the scary part for me, and that's just how liberals think. today put this woman in front of, you know, these firemen who
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clearly cannot stand how she's not only, you know, let the city go because she's so busy going after trump, but anyway, here's what a retiree from the fdny, someone who's free to speak now that he's retired the, said it was a political stunt, the city to have the a.g. there when they sent their fascist pit bulls after guys for exercising their first amendment rights. most were off and not in fdny uniforms. and here's jim long, he's the d fdny spokesperson, and he said nobody is hunting anyone down, but they did just sate in a letter. we're looking into those who clearly broke department regulations. it has nothing to do with politic99,s it's about -- politics, it's about professionalism at an official event held in a house of worship. so now they're christian -- will: pretty cheer arely said they were going to hunt them
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down. [laughter] rachel: i know, they did. will: come forward so we don't have to hunt you down. we're going to hundred you down. pete: these leaders, they lose their mind in a moment like this. if there was any unscripted moment that showed any independence, you must crack down. it's the way institutions speak. will: speak of donald trumping he went to u c last night in atlanta, georgia, here's what it looked like with donald trump at the ufc-299. >> donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] flanked by ufc ceo dana white. [cheers and applause] rachel: you'd think he was the one fighting the way he's coming out. [laughter] president. pete: the only thing different is there's no kid rock with him -- will: i thought i saw kid rock was going to be there.
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i'm not sure. i guess not. i went to new york and saw this, and they came out with kid rock and they were playing american badass, right? i was looking around the crowd to see if kid rock was there. rachel: it almost feels like donald trump is trolling biden this jam-packed schedule. first he met with the family e of laking riley. he had this -- will: dave portnoy. pete: yep. rachel: he almost had your night, pete. pete: his was a little more fun. will: sage steele. pete: yeah. rachel: he referenced that he was going to go to that fight when he was at the rally, e believe. so take a look. >> -- to the audience because, you know, i figure what the hell, it's a saturday afternoon, we have a little time. do you know where i'm going later? i'm going to the ufc fights. [cheers and applause] do you know why? do you know why? it's the closest thing i can see
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that's really reflecktive of the election process that we have in this country. [laughter] the uf if c fights. that a may be a little tamer than the election business. pete: that might be right. might even be more fair, you know? will: yeah. i was thinking if you're president, what would be your thing, ufc? what would you go to? pete: oh, that's e a great question. what would you do regularly? will: well, football, for sure. pete: football would be it. college football would be yours. rodeos -- will: i would like that. pete: man of the people. will: yeah. [laughter] what would you do? country club? [laughter] rachel: yeah, that's me. pete: lumberjack contests? rachel: yeah, maybe -- pete: that's what you did probably when he was running. rachel: and still do. pete: you still go if to lumberjack contests? rachel: yeah. pete: that's cool. we should have one out here in
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fox square -- rachel: i do. will: predates me. pete: i didn't do well. will: better than the axe-throwing contest? pete: we're not supposed to talk about that. will: police in -- working to e claim the streets of haiti's capital city after gangs attacked at least three police stations. caribbean leaders are holding an emergency meeting tomorrow in jamaica. this is a case -- crazy story. haiti's prime minister interim prime minister is now believed to be in puerto rico. the justice department is opening a criminal investigation into the alaska airlines incident that saw a door plug come off a boeing plane mid-flight back in january. the doj is now trying to figure out what led to the incident, and now the company says it can't find documents relating to the plug. with the vice president saying we've looked extensively and have not found any such documentation. pete: oh, my.
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will: international delight is turning daylight savings time into delight savings time by -- [laughter] pete: you didn't have to read that finish. will: did you look this one up? by saving time is giving a way -- away new reese's iced coffee cans for free. you can pick one up at 7/eleven, speedway and stripes stores today using coupons. we have a couple of cans -- reese's flavor -- rachel: he's already at it. pete: let me say this -- will: is delight sunny delight? if. rachel: i bet four sips -- pete: the coffee creamer. will: i didn't know. so this is all cream e or? this has got coffee in it. pete: this is an iced coffee made with cream and milk. will: i'm going to read what's in in this. pete: try the it. it smacks you in the face. rachel: wow.
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pete: not bad with. will: smacks you in the face. pete: it does. will: of what? pete: peanut butter. will: i'm a big peanut if butter or fan. pete: good for you too. rachel: 36 grams of sugar. will: ill do it. i'll hit it with a splash. pete: you make your own iced coffee. will: well, someone made it for me. it's really nice. pete: you have people. must be nice. all right, woefully inadequate. that's how officials are describing new york bail laws after suspects in a grace ifly long island crime -- grisly long island crime are free pending trial. and you wonder why we need a new a.g.. suffolk county attorney ray tierney on the threat to public safety coming up next. rachel: former president trump picking up a big endorsement from miami mayor francis suarez. he's going to join us live. stay with us. ♪ muck i'm spending on 3 kids in college.
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laws. suffolk county ticket attorney ray tierney joins us now. help us understand this case. you've got some individuals, four of them, who are accused of dismembering two separate bodies, and and you can't keep them in jail under current bail standards. >> sure. we charged them with hindering prosecution, charged them with tampering with evidence, and we charged them with concealing a human corpse. but under our bail laws, we can't, we can't charge -- we can't ask for bail because we can't consider dangerousness. will: the standard you'd ask for a judge there is the dangerousness meaning the likelihood of something else happening, that's not in the current bail state of law. butth kathy hochul has said to you directly, well, charge them with something more then, charge them with murder. she said specifically, i think, do your job. >> yeah. i mean, i think that the frustration there is, you know, in today's day and age if you look at at this case, you've got blood, blood means dna.
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you have to get all that analyzed. that takes time. you've got phones, you've got license plate leaders -- readers, you've got video. all that evidence has to be culled through, and that's just some of the evidence. that takes time. what we were able to do was we were able to put the concealing and the tampering case together rather quickly, seven days after the bodies were found, but that's not enough under new york state law. again, because we can't consider dangerousness. will: yeah. and i mean, i think for anyone watching it's a question of whether or not people who have dismembered a body should remain in jail while their case is pending or the state laws might be off. who's doing their job is, that's the question. i've enjoyed having you on in the past, you know, i have a particular curiosity about the gilgo beach serial killer alleged, rex heuermann. it's been some time since you and i last spoke. do you have any updates on the case of the gilgo beacher is ideal -- serial killer? >> we charged a fourth murder,
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the murder of maureen braynard if barnes, and we were able to do that using cutting edge dna, so we have very strong results with regard to the dna. that is the end of the so-called investigation of the so-called gill go four, so we're turning to the prosecution of that. we're continuing to investigate those murders, but we're also investigating all of the other murders on gilgo and elsewhere. will: you know, it's interesting, ray, just to tie these two things together, so, obviously, an alleged serial killer remains behind bars. but again, dangerousness isn't used in new york, right? so it's about flight risk. >> yeah. so that -- the alleged serial killer in that case was kept under bail, kept in on bail or remanded without bail because of a risk of flight. and that's the sort of legal hocus pocus you have to do in new york state where everyone cares about dangerousness, but we have to argue risk -- will: really quickly, do most
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states factor in dangerousness when its to bail standards? >> the federal system you can ask for dangerousness 49 out of the 50 states -- will: 49 out of 50 states that's a factor whether you keep somebody in jail. not new york. >> illinois might be different, so it might be 48 -- will: so this is the one state, maybe accepting -- accept excepting illinois, where you're allowed to keep an alleged criminal behind bars -- >> yes. and and it results in absurd results which we see here. will: thanks for catching us up on both of those important cases and the new york state bail standards. ray tierney p. all right, we talk a lot about hot meal new research revealing the foods that make you more or less attractive. well, this'll be interesting. dr. nicole saphier broke breaks it down just in time for breakfast.
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♪ ♪ rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends." well, we all lost a whole hour of sleep this morning, and while you might if think sleep depravation is harmful to your health, new research suggests good quality of sleep may be more important than the amount, than the quantity of sleep that you get. here to react is fox news medical contributor and love, mom, author dr. nicole saphier. so that's an interesting study. they're saying it's not the quantity, it's the quality. >> well, that's right. you have new research which, honestly, it's just adding to, you know, years of research that when it comes to sleep, it's all about the quality. not necessarily the quantity. yes, for adults we do recommend 7-9 hours of sleep. kids need more. but when it comes to adults, you really have to focus on what's the quality of your sleep.
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and good quality sleep means that you fall asleep pretty fast and you stay asleep. you don't have those frequent awakenings. that's more important than how much time you actually spend in bed. how do we do that? well, daylight save isings, when you spring forward, that's a little tricky. but i have some tips for people on what you should do to try and get that good quality of sleep. you have to have that consistent sleep schedule. and if that doesn't mean monday through friday you get up early, you go to bed early, it means monday through sunday. when you stay out late on the weekends and end up late, that's giving you social jet lag, and that's a big no-no. you want to try to avoid that. avoid big meals, alcohol, nicotine a couple hours before bed. you also want to avoid bright lights 30 minutes before bed, your phones, your tv. that messes up your internal sir decade can yum rhythms. rachel: i was going to tell you last night everyone's downstairs, and i was having a
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hard time falling asleep because there was a light that was on that the i could see in the bathroom, and i never wear a sleep mask each though i have a silk one by my bed. and i decided to put it on, and i had great sleep. so i don't know what it was, maybe because of that light, like, i just was able to shut that out, and i felt like i slept -- >> that is actually science is. your brain responds to light. it releases certain or hormones when there's light and when there's no light. one other thing that we're all guilty of, worry and stress, and and at lot of people find themselves in bed and they're constantly thinking about it. if you can't resolve your stress during the day, write it down. put it on a note pad, put it on a little sticky note so you can relax your brain and come back to it in the morning. rachel: here's another a tip. pray. pray a rosary, pray whatever and and get your mind off of o after that. you're a little tired today, you didn't follow the doctor's orders. [laughter] >> i am a little tired today. rachel: we can try and president
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get that quality sleep. okay, let's talk about this, because this is really interesting. [laughter] so there are the certain foods that make you more or less attractive? explain. >> well, you know they say you are what you eat, and there's this new study from french researchers who are saying, hey, you know what? you may actually be more attractive -- rachel: the french came up with the study? >> essentially, what they say -- by the way, it's a very loose study. it reads more like a gossip magazine column. rachel: i love it. >> they say there's the more if facial attractiveness to the opposite sex if you have high protein breakfast. so right in front of us we have bacon and eggs and sausage. and if you have more of the carbohydrates at breakfast, you're less attractive in the morning. but here is the thing i didn't like. when you talk about your snacks during the day, i see pete, he's looking at this bacon right now -- pete: i'm feeling more attractive already. thanks, guys. [laughter] >> they said men throughout the day, they can carbo load and have these high-glycemic snacks
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and they're more attractive. women, on the other hand, are not. our facial features don't respond the same way. rachel: i read this and fought in-- thought unfrom a mission -- infrom a inflammation, right? all these sexy french ladies having croissant ises, what's up with that? >> they all know when you have high glycemic diets there's a higher level of inflammation in your body. but also you don't want to necessarily protein load with high fats because, ultimately, that won't be good for your waist lauren or your cardiovaser health and other -- french women love croissants -- rachel: they're still gorgeous. all right. it's all a very interesting. i think a balanced mediterranean diet -- >> everything in moderation. rachel: amen to that, girl. thank you, nicole. now to this, former president trump picking up a big endorsement from miami mayor fran us suarez. the man himself breaks down how
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♪ pete: as the stage is set for a biden-trump the rematch, more republicans giving their endorsement including those who once ran for the job themselves
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like our next guest who says trump's the only one to fix inflation and the border. former gop presidential candidate miami mayor francis suarez joins us now. mayor, thanks for being here. you endorsed donald trump before super tuesday. just talk to us about that and the contrast we're looking at between trump and biden. >> well, one of the interesting things you have which you probably haven't had in the history of the united states is you can actually compare the records of one are versus the other. so you can take out all the other stuff that's sort of a distraction, you know? people who might not like the former president because of his personality or current president because of his lack of energy, right, you can just put all that aside and focus on the four years that the former president was president and the four years the current president has been president and ask yourself a couple questions. the first one is, you know, the border. there's 7.2 million people who have entered illegally since biden became the president. that's more than the population
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of 37 states in the united states of america. then you look at the middle east. you've got a conventional war in the middle east under the current president, and the former president you had peace agreements between the arab world and israel. and then you look at the fact that putin invaded crimea and invaded, you know, ukraine. that did not happen under a republican donald trump administration. that happened under democratic presidential administration. then you looked at inflation p right? you know, inflation was at an all a- all-time high during this presidency meaning that working people suffered much more, had a much harder time paying their bills and buying a home. and so when you just look at those basic issues which are the issues that most americans care about, there really is no compare eson. it's quite easy. so my focus is going to be on young voters that the former president lost by 26 points to joe biden. my focus is going to be on
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hispanics of which i am one, you know, and a scenario where i think republicans can grow significantly. and then, of course, cities like mine that flipped from +30 for democrats to +10 for republicans since i've been mayor. pete: no doubt. some numbers are already starting to look better amongst and hispanics for donald trump. having your help will go a long way as well. real quick, i'm getting way ahead of my skis. do you want to run in the future? you ran in 2024. i would imagine you've got your eye on future years, 2028? >> look, you know, with politics you've got to take it one day at a time. i know that sounds like a cliche. the natural evolution of being a mayor would be -- [inaudible] in 2026. that's still a few years away, so that's something that i'll consider when the time comes. my term ends in 2025, so there's a natural sort of evolution there, a natural a transition. but, you know, look, there's a
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lot of time. i'm focused on doing my job. we've had a great year in the city. we had a lower homicide rate than we had in 1947 when we started reporting homicides with a third of the population in 1947 that we have today. we grew 14%, 12% last year. so two years in a row with double-digit growth, and and we did something shocking, we actually lowered taxes. you know, we grew and we actually lowered taxes. so we kept people safe, we slunk the side of -- the shrunk the size of government, and we have the highest wage growth. pete: we'll stay tuned. one thing the i know you want to solve in miami first is some of these spring break problem you've had in years past. here's some of the new recalls or that are being unveiled in miami. $30 parking rate at city garages and lot of -- and lots in south beach. restricted entry, double towing, security checkpoints on bags, lose your of beach entrances --
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closure of beach entrance thes at 6 p.m. you obviously want people visiting miami and miami beach, but spring break got out of control. something you want to change this year. >> yeah, it has got out of control, unfortunately, in the last few years, incidents that have, you know, obviously been incidents that you're showing right now that were not flattering for the city or for miami beach. so we work with miami beach, and they've implemented some tough rules including but not limited to close closing parking garages to non-are residents during some of the peak if weeks of spring break. we've surged a police presence, i think we have 18 jurisdictions that are working with them in miami beach, and i think 45 florida troopers have come down to help. so it's a multi-agency task force. we're working together, we're supporting the beach to make sure that we don't have any negative incidents, any black eyes in terms of incidents and issues that we've seen, unfortunately, in the past. and we want to make sure that everyone can have a good time
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and be there safe. pete: are there you go. mayor francis suarez, hanks for your time. appreciate it. >> thanks, pete. pete: you got it. now i'm e going to toss it over to will who's not some headlines. will: just finish up my breakfast real quick that your wife just brought in. florida congressman michael waltz vowing to pay any fines a gold star father may face after heckling president biden other his son's death at the state of the union address. >> pray to god that they just let this go. not only did this gold star father lose his marine at abbey date, the marine's -- gate, the marine's older brother committed suicide at the marine's grave a year after this shameful, disgraceful afghanistan withdrawal. this family has suffered enough. will: the fallen marine's mother slammed the decision to arrest her ex-husband telling the new york e post it was, quote, b.s. a lawmaker in one san francisco neighborhood is trying to pin the city's drug crisis on
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smoke shops. he proposed new legislation that would require new businesses with over 10% of the store dedicated to tobacco sales to have a special permit. making it harder to open new smoke shops. if legislation passes, existing businesses would be exempt. well, it's not tobacco. but smoke shops sell a lot of things other than tobacco. [laughter] caitlin clark seems to be making history every time she steps on the court. the iowa hawk ice star became the first player to score 1,000 points in back to back seasons during the big ten semifinals. iowa taking down michigan 95-68 to advance to the big ten championship game which is set to tip off later this afternoon. and those are your headlines. rick, i've got a question for you. let's bring in rick reichmuth, our fox weather forecast meteorologist chief. are. rick: i'm nervous now. will: don't be nervous. semi truck or semi truck?
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rick: how about semi? will: me too. rick: i don't think i've ever seen semi truck. rick: some people say semi if like -- rick: like the semis, made it to the semis? will: there you go, versus the semis. rick: exactly. yeah, it's the semi. will: i'm with you. auction e rick tell you what we're watching today, a big storm across much of the east coast yesterday with. things improving a little bit, but it's going to be windy towards the northeast. currently, temps not looking that bad across much of the eastern seaboard. look at miami, 76 right now. 31 in chicago, 28 in fargo. colder there. this week we've got some storms out across the west continuing to see the snow pile up, areas of the cascades down towards the sierra nevada. and look at the rockies, getting a lot of snow this week. spring skiing is going to be great. and take a look at areas of the southeast, this is thursday into
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friday, next storm comes in, water logged there. you've got more coming, another 3-4 inches by the time we get towards thursday, friday. much of the northeast if after today is going to be looking good, but we do have have snow right around the great lakes, maybe even seeing a flake fly by this evening as you to get closer to the coast. all right, will back to you inside. will: coming up, we'll introduce you to the christian nightclub combining partying with prince. e choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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will: a new nashville party venue is combining partying with praise. pete: it's called the cove, and it's a christian nightclub. no if twerking, no drinking or smoking, just a lively space for young christians to have fun. rachel: the co-ceo, eric decision, joins us now -- eric diggs, joins us along with manager and worship leader sham rivera, and they both join us now. welcome to both of you. we're to happy to have you on. what a great concept. so just give us an idea of what a night would be like in your club. >> well, first of all, thank you
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guys for having us here. we're very excited to be here as well. the cove is a christian nightclub for young adults centered around community. we cure rate a welcoming space for everybody to have fun and connect and encounter god through inme slative experiences and vibrant community. inside the cove, you know, you come in, and you're going to get welcomed at the door. the first thing you're going to feel is love. and then you're going to experience community-building segments, your going to have a dj segment where you can dance, have fun, and then we're going to have worship, prayer and the gospel presentation. finish. pete: where did the idea come from, if i may ask? hey, or we want to do just a different kind of nightclub? >> man, it really started with -- thank you so much for that question. it really started with a group of guys, like, we're friends. we do community outside of just the christian nightclub. so we felt the need that, hey, there's something tangible here in nashville with our young adult community, and they're longing for something like this.
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and we just decided like, hey, this is the time and the if space to create that, you know, that space for young adults, you know, cultivate great communities, have fun and do the things that, or you know, that they want to do without compromising their faith. will: so either one of you can take this, how's it going? we have video up while you're talking -- [laughter] and it looks happening. but you get -- i mean, how's it going? good turnout? >> oh, man, the turnout is amazing. we have people -- i mean, or it's been a global phenomenon, right? we have chemo-- people coming in from australia, from canada, from different parts of the united states can -- ril. will: will: really? >> yeah, just to experience things at the cove. wow, there's an actual longing for this type of thing, and they've noticed that, hey, like, this is something special. >> yeah. >> this is something special. >> so at first, before our first event, we had over 10,000 followers on instagram, which doesn't happen. a lot of them are social media influencers, so we're familiar
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with instagram, tiktok, you name it. so for us to have over 10,000 followers without social truth shows that people are longing for this. and then for our first event to sell out shows people are willing to get off the screens and get out of the house and be a part of the community. will: so it's a revival. of it's a modern day revival. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> it is a modern day revival. when you break it down at the heart of it, it could be modern day evangelism. rachel: 100%. >> absolutely. pete: really cool. eric and shem, it's called the cove in nashville. if you're in town, check it out. gentlemen, thank you so much. >> will: thank you. rachel: so happy you're doing this. pete: really cool. all right. we've got a big show still ahead. representative mike gallagher, shannon bream, maria bartiromo, ricky dillard joining us coming up. don't go anywhere.comf get cup of coffee and come back. ♪ it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day
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